Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Guitar Hero 3 Review

Guitar Hero 3 Review
Written by Mckin

Nintendo gets a Guitar Hero! The game is just like the others, we all expected that, but the Wii has some bonuses, although some drawbacks as well. First off let’s just mention the obvious, the price is $10 less, the guitar is white, and a wiimote fits inside of it. Now onto the game.

The song list for GH3 is much longer then previous GH games although ‘Legends of Rock’ probably wasn’t the best title. Many songs are far from legends and many real legends were excluded such as Jimi Hendrix. Although with such a large song list I feel it makes up for it somewhat except the Wii can’t download additional songs yet, although that could always change in the future.

New to the game is the concept of Boss Battles which I found a new challenge. You play vs mode against the CPU pretty much but with ‘battle power’ not star power, and the object is to make the boss fail the song before it finishes. My first battle I proved victorious but the concept is nice and provided a challenge later on against the next 2 bosses. A bonus to beating the boss is there’s an encore after him in which he’ll play along. Treating you to the guitarist’s talents but not unlocking him to use until you buy him from the shop.

Online has also been enabled which I was first nervous about going on it. I’m not close to expert and was assuming I’d lose, and lose bad but the game makes it easy to set up what your looking for or what you want to host, choosing friend or stranger, difficulty, game type, and # of songs to play. The WFC seems to move fairly quickly with GH which is always a nice bonus.

All in all I’d say the game is nice and a great way to pass time or entertain yourself. I picked it up since I was board and just put it down long enough to write a simple review. Enjoy, maybe you’ll even pick up a few roadies with your mad skills.

PS. For a little added pleasure try hyper mode, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow in the cheat menu.

This report was provided by:

Gerald Lacey


Lacey LLC and OmariWholesale, Inc.

My eBooks Resell

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